It's OK, I'm a Chemist

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Hmmm... a while since my last post. In order to distract you the reader from my less-than-prolific posting habit, here's a picture of me with a lobster.

I have the Shinger to thank for the picture, since he was the one who knew how to cook and eat lobster properly. Unfortunately, we didn't have a nutcracker and so we used a hammer to break open the shell, leaving lobster shrapnel all over my apartment.

This past Friday was my final day at ONC, and the start of my last week in Halifax. It's going to be weird waking up on Monday and not seeing my co-workers, the majority of whom I consider as good friends. When I first moved to Halifax, I was just a green horn, never having lived on my own or worked at a career-type job. It's been a really formative phase in my life, and the people who have passed through it will forever be remembered. Thank you all for your frienship.

Also of note, things are coming together for my move to Vancouver on September 1st. I got into one of the residences (Marine Drive) where I'll be sharing the apartment with three upper-year undergraduates. After some weeks of panic and worry, I was officially accepted into Dr. Wolf's group. Through a stroke of luck, the Canadian Society for Chemistry conference was held in Halifax this past Fall. I must be one lucky dude because, when I was out drinking with some people from McGill at the Lower Deck, I ran into one of Wolf's grad students who happened to remember me from my visit to UBC. After pooring him a few beers from my pitcher, he informed me that Wolf would be giving a talk the following day, and that I should go see it and talk with him. Turned out there were 7 students vying for 2 positions in his lab. I didn't get a chance to speak with Wolf that day, but approached him the following day and was informed that I was a strong contender for one of the new positions in his lab. So don't let anyone tell you that boozing is a waste of time.


  • i was considering removing you... but you are back... thanks for the update!

    are you vancouver now?
    any time in MTL?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Wed Aug 09, 05:43:00 PM  

  • That's rich, Mo! You hadn't posted in forever!

    Anyway, who says boozing is a waste of time?

    That lobster pic is great. I can't explain exactly why, but I love it.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Fri Aug 11, 10:43:00 AM  

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