It's OK, I'm a Chemist

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Just a shout to say I'm heading home to Montreal after my first semester at UBC. I'm a little drained now - might be from the shotluck party last night or from a full semester. I will be taking the train home so don't expect to see me on line or responding to emails the next few days. I'll be home the 21st. It's going to be nice.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

I feel like passing on this popular meme (lab reports be damned, THIS is important work).

The Soundtrack to my Life
So, here's how it works:
1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, etc)
2. Put it on shuffle/Random
3. Press play
4. For every question, type the song that's playing
5. When you go to a new question, press the next button

Opening Credits:
"Debra" - Beck
---- a sexy beginning "I want to get with you, only you... and your sister, I think her name's Debra"

Waking Up:
"Supply and Demand" - The Hives
------- definitely a song you'd wake up to

First Day At School:
"Like a King" - Ben Harper

Falling In Love:
"Those to Come" - The Shins
----- not very promising "They are cold, still, waiting in the ether to form, feel, kill, propagate, only to die"

Breaking Up:
"Wild Horses" - The Rolling Stones

"You were loved" - Hayden

Life's OK:
"Reconstruction Site" - The Weakerthans

"A get-together to tear it apart" - The Hives
--- good selection "giving my middle finger a whole new start"

"It's Time to Party" - Andrew W.K.

Flashback:"Clodhopper" - Glueleg

Getting Back Together:
"This is It" - Ryan Adams

"Butterfly in Reverse" - The Counting Crows

Sex Scene:
"O Girlfriend" - Weezer

Birth of Child:
"Thunderstruck: - AC/DC
---- I'd love to see this scene

Final Battle:
"Where is my mind?" - The Pixies
----- a pretty lethargic final battle

Death Scene:
"G turns to D" - Sloan
-----------Glen turns to Dead????

Funeral Song:
"Going Steady" - Death from Above 1979
------------a rocking good-time funeral!

Dance Sequence:
"Trying your luck" - The Strokes

End Credits:
"Wishing well" - Joel Plaskett